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" data-box="1" data-f="Design">
Dirk Van Welden
{"Name":"Dirk Van Welden","Image":"speakers\/dirkvanwelden.png","Company":"I-Illusions","Description":"The founder and project lead of I-Illusions, the studio behind the VR-hit Space Pirate Trainer. Next to coding and art-direction for upcoming projects (f.e. Space Pirate Arena), he dedicates a decent portion of his time developing game prototypes that are trying to push the boundaries of VR.","Language":"English","TalkName":"TBA - VR related panel","TalkDescription":"","ShowDate":"05-11-2019 9:00:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Business">
Jarek Kolář
Bohemia Interactive
{"Name":"Jarek Kol\u00e1\u0159","Image":"speakers\/jarekkolar.png","Company":"Bohemia Interactive","Description":"Jarek has been making games for more than 25 years helping with many games - Vietcong, Mafia 2, Arma 3, DayZ and more. He was leading projects, but also participating creatively as an artist, animator, designer or writer. Later in 2005 he focused on people management and project leadership. Now he is an advisor in the Editorial, internal department inside Bohemia Interactive, providing build reviews, design reviews, design suggestions\/brainstorms and various mentoring and advisory activities.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Pre-production Manifesto","TalkDescription":"Wrong plan. Exaggerated scope. Missed deadlines. Trashed work. Vision changes. Poor quality. Additional cost. Crunch. Many issues of current game development have common cause - bad or insufficient or missing pre-production. This lecture will be a structured guide how to lead the core team through the initial part of development.","ShowDate":"05-11-2019 9:00:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Design">
Miroslav Pikhart
{"Name":"Miroslav Pikhart","Image":"speakers\/miroslavpikhart.png","Company":"Geewa","Description":"After a short stint in banking, Miroslav transferred to the game industry by accepting a contract with Geewa. As the first full-time data scientist there, he created algorithms that allow for automatization and content personalization. Recently moved to lead data scientist role as the team successfully grew.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Why your Game Needs a Data Scientist","TalkDescription":"In the data-driven era, most companies gather tons of data about their players. Understanding those and making correct decisions can improve both user experience and company revenues at the same time. ","ShowDate":"05-11-2019 9:00:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Other">
Kate Edwards
Geogrify / Global Game Jam
{"Name":"Kate Edwards","Image":"speakers\/kateedwards.png","Company":"Geogrify \/ Global Game Jam","Description":"Kate Edwards is the Executive Director of the Global Game Jam and the CEO of Geogrify, a consultancy which pioneered content culturalization in games. She is also an award-winning industry advocate and the former Executive Director of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA).","Language":"English","TalkName":"How to Improve the Public Perception of Games and Game Developers","TalkDescription":"Following her 5 years leading the IGDA, and being an active advocate since that time, Kate Edwards has gained a unique perspective on public attitudes towards games. Despite being a huge economic and cultural force, games struggle to gain respect as a creative art form. Kate will illustrate how we can become better advocates and change the perception of our industry both internally and externally.","ShowDate":"05-11-2019 9:00:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Design">
Daniel Němec
SCS Software
{"Name":"Daniel N\u011bmec","Image":"speakers\/danielnemec.png","Company":"SCS Software","Description":"Daniel works for SCS Software as a Community Manager. He's a member of a small team responsible for all company's marketing activities with a deeper dedication to social media platforms, events and community management.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Keeping our Games 'Evergreen'","TalkDescription":"Care about your community and they will care about you and your games! This is even more important for game developers who want to create \"evergreen\" titles out of their products. Daniel will speak about what works fine for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator fanbase. Some tips and tricks of his speech might be very useful for any game developer, no matter the title or genre.","ShowDate":"10-11-2019 9:00:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Other">
Pawel Miechowski
11 bit studios
{"Name":"Pawel Miechowski","Image":"speakers\/pawelmiechowski.png","Company":"11 bit studios","Description":"Pawel Miechowski currently works as partnerships manager at 11 bit studios and that means working on PR, marketing and partnering with education and business. He's been in the industry for over 20 years working on different positions and eventually landing in the PR and marketing division of 11 bit. Latest titles: Frostpunk, Children of Morta, Moonlighter, This War of Mine.","Language":"English","TalkName":"PR and Communication in the Service of Marketing","TalkDescription":"Pavel will focus on several topics covering PR communication for a gamedev studio. How to create PR and communications strategy being a tool for the greater good which is marketing. How to execute the strategy. How to execute damage-control if mistakes have been made, tips & tricks and more.","ShowDate":"10-11-2019 9:00:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Business">
Tomasz Kaczmarczyk
{"Name":"Tomasz Kaczmarczyk","Image":"\/speakers\/tomaszkaczmarczyk.png","Company":"SUPERHOT","Description":"Tom is running bizdev for SUPERHOT","Language":"English","TalkName":"SUPERHOT PRESENTS and That Other Big SUPERHOT Project to Make Self-publishing Fun for Indies","TalkDescription":"or how to sell millions of games - a talk with some shouting at clouds, actual sales charts, and slides made in crayon. Come one, come all, might trigger bursts of hope and motivation for people responsible for publishing and upkeep of successful indie games.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Design">
Pavel Jiří Strnad
{"Name":"Pavel Ji\u0159\u00ed Strnad","Image":"\/speakers\/paveljiristrnad.png","Company":"GOLDKNIGHTS","Description":"Pavel is developing software and games since 1985. Last four years he works on LostHero - RPG game with souls like system.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Design of RPG World","TalkDescription":"What is the anatomy of every game? How game designer can write game without line of code? Can be web browser used to prototype PC\/console game? This and many other questions will be answered at my talk.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Business">
Martin Frývaldský
Warhorse Studios
{"Name":"Martin Fr\u00fdvaldsk\u00fd","Image":"\/speakers\/martinfryvaldsky.png","Company":"Warhorse Studios","Description":"Martin is one of the few people in the team who doesn\u2019t come from a video-game background. He has, for example, managed a transport company with 6,000 wagons and 150 locomotives and worked as a financial consultant on numerous mergers and acquisitions. But the world is full of paradoxes and during his years at Warhorse, he has succumbed to both the wonders and pitfalls of creating games.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Financing and M&A in Gaming Industry","TalkDescription":"Studio economics and risk of (prolonged) development. Key aspects of negotiation with publishers (and why publishers are still important). A bit about how to protect and increase value of the studio in case of an exit.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Business">
Jesse Baule
Keen Software House
{"Name":"Jesse Baule","Image":"\/speakers\/jessebaule.png","Company":"Keen Software House","Description":"Jesse Baule is the PR & Marketing Manager and Lead Writer at Keen Software House. He lives in Prague, where he works on games such as Space Engineers and Medieval Engineers. He is passionate about online communities and storytelling in games.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Launching Space Engineers Out of Early Access & an Evolving Business Model","TalkDescription":"This lecture will cover the PR and marketing for Space Engineers leaving Early Access; it will include the planning and execution of this event, the lessons Keen Software House learned about this process, as well as the game's evolving business model.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Art">
Václav Benč
Wube software
{"Name":"V\u00e1clav Ben\u010d","Image":"\/speakers\/vaclavbenc.png","Company":"Wube software","Description":"V\u00e1clav is a technical artist at Wube software working on a 2D factory-building game Factorio. Before Factorio he experimented with setting up semi-automated pipelines from 3D models to 2D sprites for multiple OpenTTD mods, and later applied the gained experience in Factorio.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Technical Side of Creating Factorio Graphics","TalkDescription":"His talk will venture into the loophole of creating Factorio graphics, and show how approaching tasks in a seemingly over the top way can be rewarding in the long term. May contain traces of automation.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Art"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Art">
Albert Bertolín Soler
Wube software
{"Name":"Albert Bertol\u00edn Soler","Image":"\/speakers\/albertbertolinsoler.png","Company":"Wube software","Description":"Albert Bertol\u00edn is an illustrator from Barcelona. He started publishing his works in magazines and books, but his interest in audiovisuals and interactive media brought him to the experimentation with videogames and electronic music composition. He played his audiovisual sets in festivals such as Club Transmediale, S\u00f3nar, and Pictoplasma. In 2012 he started as a graphic artist for the project Factorio joining two programmers from Prague. Soon he took the role of art director, carrying the responsibility of the visual aspects of the game. He is still developing the game, working on concept art, 3D modeling, and graphic design.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Developing the Visual Style of Factorio","TalkDescription":"In the talk we will briefly go over the process of creating the visual universe of Factorio. We will explain some of the limitations and benefits coming from the 2D techniques we use, and the constraints that the game mechanics put on us. We will go through the solutions we devised and explain how they affect the final shape of the game and its symbols.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Art"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Design">
Ranko Trifkovic
Grandpa's Narrative Design
{"Name":"Ranko Trifkovic","Image":"\/speakers\/rankotrifkovic.png","Company":"Grandpa's Narrative Design","Description":"Game Designer\/Producer gone full Narrative Designer. Specializing in bridging the ludo-narrative gap, fixing stories, pimping up dialogues and giving characters their voice. Currently wrangling writers for Decision Fiction at Grandpa's Narrative Design.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Minimalistic Approach to Creating Memorable Characters","TalkDescription":"Characters are carrying the story, so the question on everyone's lips is how to make your characters memorable, more believable! Almost all the advice you can get on this topic is generic, vague or about written characters (e.g. for literature, theatre, movies). So how do we make memorable characters for games? I'll tell you how. Oh and I'll do even better, I'll tell you how to do it using as few elements as possible, because \u2013 less is more \u2013 especially when it comes to characters...","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Design">
Michal Berlinger
Amanita Design
{"Name":"Michal Berlinger","Image":"\/speakers\/michalberlinger.png","Company":"Amanita Design","Description":"Michal joined Amanita Design two years ago where he's been working on their recently released game Pilgrims as lead programmer. Before that, he had worked on Blue Effect VR, Mimpi Dreams as well as his own projects Little Mouse's Encyclopedia and Under Leaves.","Language":"English","TalkName":"The Making of Pilgrims","TalkDescription":"Michal will speak about all aspects of development of Amanita Design's latest game Pilgrims, including inspiration sources, game design process and early prototypes.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Design">
Jan Vaněček
Keen Software House
{"Name":"Jan Van\u011b\u010dek","Image":"\/speakers\/janvanecek.png","Company":"Keen Software House","Description":"Jan originally started with the development and design of the board and card games, later transferred to the mobile gaming industry as the Lead Game Designer of Geewa\u2019s Smashing Four. Now he delves into PC and console gaming as Senior Game Designer at Keen Software House.","Language":"English","TalkName":"The Maths of Game Design: Resource Loops","TalkDescription":"Explore the mathematical background of Game Design. Observe common problems of creating resource loops and how to fix them. Learn from examples from sandbox simulation Space Engineers and enjoy a view when you cruiser crashes into a moon because it's engine reactor run out of uranium.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Other">
Mike Bodie
Mike Bodie: Voice Actor
{"Name":"Mike Bodie","Image":"\/speakers\/mikebodie.png","Company":"Mike Bodie: Voice Actor","Description":"Mike is an Olivier Award-nominated, classically trained actor, voice actor, and performance capture artist based in London. He's one of the founders and performers in the Olivier and Tony award-winning theatre company. Mischief Theatre. His previous VO work in games includes WOLFENSTEIN 2, STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT 2, THE DIVISION 2, GHOST RECON: BREAKPOINT, and SYNCED: OFF PLANET in addition to numerous indie and mobile titles. He runs an industry-grade recording studio in between his stage, screen, and mocap work.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Again but Better: How to Work with Voice Actors","TalkDescription":"You're at the point in your game where you need to include vocal audio to bring your project to the next level; to make it really stand out from the crowd. But where do you find voice actors for that? How do you work with them, and get them to deliver the performance you need for your project? Mike Bodie is an Olivier Nominated, classically trained stage and screen actor with a background in voice acting for Games. In his talk, he'll take you through the full spectrum of finding, equipping, managing, and directing voice actors based on his experience from AAA, mobile, and indie game voice over.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Business">
Martyna Neumann-Baranowska
Vivid Games
{"Name":"Martyna Neumann-Baranowska","Image":"\/speakers\/martynaneumannbaranowska.png","Company":"Vivid Games","Description":"Martyna works as Marketing Specialist at Vivid Games. One of her main responsibilities is ASO (App Store Optimization) for the Apple App Store and Google Play. She works with titles like: Real Boxing (over 67M downloads), Space Pioneer, Gravity Rider, a few casual games and upcoming new titles that will be launched later this year.","Language":"English","TalkName":"The Process of Finding the Name for Your Game.","TalkDescription":"Your game, the baby of your mind is due within a few months and soon it will be ready to be presented to the wide world. Great mechanics, beautiful graphics, perfect gameplay... but what about the name? How can a mere title do justice to your masterpiece? Based on case-studies from Vivid Games studio, I will show you good and bad practices in the name finding process with respect to basic SEO rules and ASO tips and tricks.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Business">
Dieter Marchsreiter
Marchsreiter Communications
{"Name":"Dieter Marchsreiter","Image":"\/speakers\/dietermarchsreiter.png","Company":"Marchsreiter Communications","Description":"Dieter is a PR leader withover 30 years of industry experience, over 20 of them in communications. He helped to promote and consulted over one hundred games from AAA to indie. Learn more about Marchsreiter Communications at www.marchsreiter.com.","Language":"English","TalkName":"How to Increase the Chances of Surviving the Indiepocalypse","TalkDescription":"Like hell in the zombie apocalypse, the online stores filled and now is there little discoverability. Dieter worked on hundreds of indie games since before the time they were called indie. He will tell you what basic foundation you need to lay for your game to stick out, to be found and to be bought. The talk contains tips from announcement to post release, social and community, countries to target and store strategy. Also a few \"no-goes\" and \"don'ts\".","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Design">
Georg Baier
remote control productions
{"Name":"Georg Baier","Image":"\/speakers\/georgbaier.png","Company":"remote control productions","Description":"Since 5 years Georg has been working at remote control productions helping small indie studios to grow to powerful and sustainable development companies.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Panel: Game Publishers","TalkDescription":"0","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Art">
Abdulaziz Aldigs
{"Name":"Abdulaziz Aldigs","Image":"\/speakers\/abdulazizaldigs.png","Company":"Geewa","Description":"Originally studied medicine, graduating as an MD, only to go back to his true passion, 3D CGI, later on. Switched careers in 2008, specializing in VFX. Throughout his career, he has taught 3D for beginners at Z\u00e1pado\u010desk\u00e1 univerzita, worked in Digital Art, Architectural Visualization, Commercials, Movies and for the past 5 years in the Gaming Industry. Currently the Head of Art at Geewa, establishing the art style for the games and behavior, enriching game design through visuals, establishing pipelines and best practices, recruiting and hiring new artists.","Language":"English","TalkName":"The Visual Journey to Smash Casters","TalkDescription":"Ever wondered what mobile gaming studios go through when establishing the art styles of their games, especially under tight budgets and deadlines? How they come up with the ideas? How do they make sure they're future proof? What are the inspirations, motivations and even the limitations they go through? How do they market their games from the art perspective? What they look for when they hire and expand? Now's your chance!","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Art"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Other">
Tomáš Páleníček
{"Name":"Tom\u00e1\u0161 P\u00e1len\u00ed\u010dek","Image":"\/speakers\/tomaspalenicek.png","Company":"KROUPAHEL\u00c1N","Description":"A lawyer, gamer, and a videogame law enthusiast. Tom\u00e1\u0161 is a member of an IP team of KROUPAHEL\u00c1N, a law office specializing in intellectual property, data protection, and IT. As such, Tom\u00e1\u0161 has participated in a number of projects connected with game development.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Big Legal Cases in Game Development and What to Learn from Them","TalkDescription":"Everyone\u2019s probably heard a story about a lawsuit that brought a small game development studio to its knees. Or perhaps a story of a triumph over those who would steal one\u2019s ideas. Tom\u00e1\u0161 will take a look on interesting videogame law cases in \u201cCaptain Obvious\u201d style \u2013 let\u2019s get smart in hindsight and prevent our own misfortune through the mishaps of others.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Programming">
Martin Pernica
Grip Digital
{"Name":"Martin Pernica","Image":"\/speakers\/martinpernica.png","Company":"Grip Digital","Description":"Martin is team leader and programmer with passion for detail and he likes to write shaders, micro optimise code, use modern technologies and also optimise his and teams workflow to get maximum effectivity to achieve a team goals.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Be Ready to Make a Step to Different Platform","TalkDescription":"Porting a game to other platforms can be challenging and it's not only one \"switch\" in your engine settings but whole new pipeline with many different things you need to think about from the project start. We will talk about various console platforms then move over the thin ice and answer a question how you can make your game more friendly for other platforms.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Programming"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Design">
David Sláma
Urbášek & Partners
{"Name":"David Sl\u00e1ma","Image":"\/speakers\/davidslama.png","Company":"Urb\u00e1\u0161ek & Partners","Description":"David has been professionally connected to video games since 2002 as an editor (and editor-in-chief) of Doupe.cz, technical editor of Computer and Technical\/Game Designer at Bohemia Interactive. In the meantime, he received the master\u2019s degree in law \u2013 the field to which he has returned this year as a junior lawyer at the law firm Urb\u00e1\u0161ek & Partners.","Language":"English","TalkName":"By Hook or by Crook: Legal Aspects of Loot Boxes; a Perspective from a Lawyer \/ Former Game Designer","TalkDescription":"Are randomly generated rewards in purchasable loot boxes akin to gambling? Can other countries ban loot boxes like Belgium did? What is the new \u201cLoot Box Bill\u201d in the USA about? There are many questions, and as the international debate has been ongoing, not many answers. Come learn about what all the fuss is about (and based on) and how a lawyer \/ former game designer can help you monetize your game.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Business">
Vladimír Geršl
{"Name":"Vladim\u00edr Ger\u0161l","Image":"\/speakers\/vladimirgersl.png","Company":"GoldKnights","Description":"An experienced executive in the game industry. All titles Vlad led as creative director\/producer were commercially very successful. In his portfolio is a bunch of BAFTA nominations and multiple console\/PC titles selling over a million retail copies each. Currently an exec. producer at GoldKnights.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Panel: Game Publishers","TalkDescription":"How to get a publisher? What are developers options? What are the benefits? Do you even need a publisher? And what is the publishers point of view? These and many other questions are going to be answered in this exclusive panel discussion with three top managers from European publishing houses. Come and let's talk together!","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Business">
Hans van Brakel
SOEDESCO Publishing
{"Name":"Hans van Brakel","Image":"\/speakers\/hansvanbrakel.png","Company":"SOEDESCO Publishing","Description":"Hans has been with SOEDESCO since its inception as a worldwide multiplatform developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment. SOEDESCO allowed his passion for the game industry to flourish, rapidly gaining him invaluable experience. Hans played a key role in the development of the company's retail roots to all-round video game publisher, providing a framework for establishment and growth of company, team and network. As Executive Manager, Hans is responsible for business relationships with developers and platform holders. After signing, he monitors projects in close collaboration with his team. He offers a critical perspective, and supports colleagues across departments.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Panel: Game Publishers","TalkDescription":"How to get a publisher? What are developers options? What are the benefits? Do you even need a publisher? And what is the publishers point of view? These and many other questions are going to be answered in this exclusive panel discussion with three top managers from European publishing houses. Come and let's talk together!","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Design">
Ivan Buchta
Bohemia Interactive a.s.
{"Name":"Ivan Buchta","Image":"\/speakers\/ivanbuchta.png","Company":"Bohemia Interactive a.s.","Description":"Ivan Buchta has been working on the Bohemia Interactive's Arma series since 2006, specializing in authentic environments for the tactical mil-sim games. He also took part in the creative direction of Arma series and design of the environment for DayZ survival MMO. In his work, he blends his passion for games with his environmental sciences background.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Living with Livonia","TalkDescription":"Follow the process of creating Livonia, the latest Arma 3 terrain released in June 2019 as part of the Contact DLC, from the first experimental steps to the polished environment tailored to cater to the story experience and customers' expectations. The talk explains the methods used by Bohemia Interactive to build large game worlds, to blend authenticity and gameplay and handle the cooperation of distant offices, describing the key lessons learned during the development.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Business">
Anton Ravin
1C Publishing EU s.r.o.
{"Name":"Anton Ravin","Image":"\/speakers\/antonravin.png","Company":"1C Publishing EU s.r.o.","Description":"Extensive experience of 15+ years in the Video Games industry, working on AAA and Indie projects in various roles. A proven track record in building successful businesses in the Video Games industry.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Panel: Game Publishers","TalkDescription":"How to get a publisher? What are developers options? What are the benefits? Do you even need a publisher? And what is the publishers point of view? These and many other questions are going to be answered in this exclusive panel discussion with three top managers from European publishing houses. Come and let's talk together!","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Design">
Jakub Kučera
{"Name":"Jakub Ku\u010dera","Image":"\/speakers\/jakubkucera.png","Company":"DIVR","Description":"Jakub is focused on game development for virtual reality for several years now. Designed horror game Blue Effect released three years ago and soon after started working in DIVR Labs on a multiplayer large-scale experience project called GolemVR and Arachnoid VR as Creative Director and Game Designer.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Designing and Building a Free-Roam LBVR Experience: Lessons Learned","TalkDescription":"Free-roam location-based VR is a fascinating, yet still largely uncharted territory. Join the creators of 'Golem VR' and 'Arachnoid VR', as they discuss the unique design and technical challenges of LBVR development. Jakub and Martin will present solutions to these challenges on specific examples from their third experience that will launch in Dubai this December.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Design">
Martin Tichota
{"Name":"Martin Tichota","Image":"\/speakers\/martintichota.png","Company":"DIVR","Description":"Martin has an 8+ years experience in enterprise software and game development, working in areas like content distribution, AI or licensing. Last 3 years, he's trying to push the boundaries of VR entertainment applications as a CTO in DIVR.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Designing and Building a Free-Roam LBVR Experience: Lessons Learned","TalkDescription":"Free-roam location-based VR is a fascinating, yet still largely uncharted territory. Join the creators of 'Golem VR' and 'Arachnoid VR', as they discuss the unique design and technical challenges of LBVR development. Jakub and Martin will present solutions to these challenges on specific examples from their third experience that will launch in Dubai this December.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Design">
Tsahi Liberman
{"Name":"Tsahi Liberman","Image":"\/speakers\/tsahiliberman.png","Company":"Simpool","Description":"For over 15 years now, Tsahi has been connecting the Israeli game industry to game developers and professionals around the world, and been a a key speaker and board member in major game conferences globally. Tsahi has been creating games since childhood, and worked on various game titles for children, with Nickelodeon, Disney, Sesame Street, PBS kids, BBC, Tabtale, HOP! Channel, BabyFirstTV and many more. Tsahi also led the biggest game development and design program in Israel, up north in Haifa with a game studio developing for mobile and consoles, and was up to lately, one of the core leaders of the Israeli game developers association. After being part of the core team of award winning Games for Peace for conflict management, Tsahi is serving as Head of Business development and Marketing in Simpool, helping game developers with predicting, optimizing game economies and LTV using AI and simulations.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Educaution\u00a0- 10 Deadly Traps to Avoid When Creating Games with Learning Elements","TalkDescription":"Lets Disrupt this 5B USD Market with High Quality Educational Games!","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Design"}
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Daniel Vávra
Warhorse Studios
{"Name":"Daniel V\u00e1vra","Image":"\/speakers\/danielvavra.png","Company":"Warhorse Studios","Description":"Daniel V\u00e1vra is a Czech video game writer, director, designer and co-founder of Warhorse Studios. He is best known as the author of crime action video games Mafia and Mafia II and the medieval role-playing game Kingdom Come: Deliverance.","Language":"Czech","TalkName":"Vzd\u011bl\u00e1n\u00ed, v\u0161echny smutky zah\u00e1n\u00ed","TalkDescription":"Na\u0161e zem\u011b pot\u0159ebuje mlad\u00e9 hern\u00ed v\u00fdvoj\u00e1\u0159e, kter\u00fdch se zoufale nedost\u00e1v\u00e1. Na\u0161e \u0161kolstv\u00ed p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 nereaguje na popt\u00e1vku a hern\u00ed pr\u016fmysl mu v tom nen\u00ed zat\u00edm moc n\u00e1pomocen a nevyj\u00e1d\u0159il se, co by vlastn\u011b konkr\u00e9tn\u011b pot\u0159eboval. Poj\u010fme to napravit a \u0159\u00edci si, co by se m\u011bli \u0161kol\u00e1ci, st\u0159edo\u0161kol\u00e1ci i vysoko\u0161kol\u00e1ci u\u010dit, aby mohli vytv\u00e1\u0159et dobr\u00e9 hry.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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Miloš Endrle
{"Name":"Milo\u0161 Endrle","Image":"\/speakers\/milosendrle.png","Company":"Geewa","Description":"Milos is founder and CEO of Geewa, leading mobile game developer in Czech Republic. Smashing Four, Geewa\u2019s latest hit, is in TOP 300 grossing games over the world and follow the footprints of billiard hit Pool Live Tour which was played by 80M players. Before founding Geewa, Milos works 15 years on projects for banks and telco operators as a business developer in one of the top software houses in Czech republic.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Game Development Core Values","TalkDescription":"Are you looking for a job in the game industry? Are you new to the game industry and trying to find your way in? Learning about & understanding our key values is essential for your success!","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Business">
Pavel Barák
{"Name":"Pavel Bar\u00e1k","Image":"\/speakers\/pavelbarak.png","Company":"GDA CZ","Description":"Pavel has been active in the games industry for more than 15 years. He is a co-founder and the chairman of the Czech Game Developers Association (GDACZ), which supports and represents developers in the Czech Republic. He is also the author of the recently released study \u201cThe Czech Video Game Industry\u201d researching local game developments and its current state. For the past ten years, he has been the director of the oldest independent game development conference in Europe, the Game Developers Session, which is also one of the largest game conferences in the region. In 2005, he founded Handjoy, a game development studio that specialises in mobile and advertising games and has released more than 10 commercial titles to date.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Panel: Advancement and Support of the Games Industry","TalkDescription":"","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Business">
Matej Zahradnik
{"Name":"Matej Zahradnik","Image":"\/speakers\/matejzahradnik.png","Company":"CzechInvest","Description":"Matej has been working at the governmental agency CzechInvest for almost four years. He regularly promotes Czech gaming industry at international events (Gamescom, Tokyo Game Show, G-Star) and supports foreign companies in their expansion to the Czech market.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Czech Republic: The Country for the Future","TalkDescription":"Following the new Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019-2030 (under the brand of The Country for the Future), CzechInvest is promoting innovative industries, developing the national startup environment, and assisting both Czech and foreign companies in their growth through schemes of investment incentives and other support programs. In this talk, I will present the country's investment environment as well as the new government-approved programs.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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Kristina Volná
Česká televize
{"Name":"Kristina Voln\u00e1","Image":"\/speakers\/kristinavolna.png","Company":"\u010cesk\u00e1 televize","Description":"Since 2013, Kristina Voln\u00e1 has been working as a web dramaturg at the Czech Television's New Media Dramaturgy Center. She is mainly interested in the development of educational games for kids, their use in education and their motivational and learning effects. Due to a common interest, she collaborates with AMULAB (https:\/\/ksvi.mff.cuni.cz\/amulab).","Language":"English","TalkName":"Yeah, they Like it More. But Do they Learn More?","TalkDescription":"What are the specifics of creating interactive projects linked to television production for kids? What ties the creators' hands and what are the advantages? Is \u201epublic service\u201c an important criterion? Do children really learn from computer games, or do we just like to think so?","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Other">
Pavol Buday
{"Name":"Pavol Buday","Image":"\/speakers\/pavolbuday.png","Company":"Reboot","Description":"Pavol grew up playing 8-bit games in arcades and on fake game consoles, led a leading website covering games in Slovakia, crossed to the other side and started helping game developers. Based in Croatia he is responsible for business development at Reboot Develop, boutique games industry conferences located in Dubrovnik, Croatia and Banff, Canada. Pavol also co-founded Slovak Game Developers Association, he is programme director at game\/art festival Game Days Trnava and serious fan of super complicated model kits.","Language":"English","TalkName":"TBA Panel","TalkDescription":"0","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="1" data-f="Business">
Anna Bartošková
Creative Europe MEDIA Desk
{"Name":"Anna Barto\u0161kov\u00e1","Image":"\/speakers\/annabartoskova.png","Company":"Creative Europe MEDIA Desk","Description":"Anna Barto\u0161kov\u00e1 works at Creative Europe - MEDIA Desk since the Czech Republic has become the member state. Before she worked for the Forum of Independents of Karlovy Vary IFF. She also cooperated with festival Days of European Films and organized the Prague Quadrenniale.","Language":"English","TalkName":"Develop your Game With Support from Creative Europe","TalkDescription":"Find out what the EU programme Creative Europe can offer to you. Is your company and your project the right one to be supported?","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="2" data-f="Business">
Deborah Guzman Barrios
{"Name":"Deborah Guzman Barrios","Image":"\/speakers\/deborahguzmanbarrios.png","Company":"Oculus","Description":"As part of the Developer Relations team at Oculus, Deborah works closely with developers and publishers during all phases of development. As a lifelong gamer, she is excited about VR and its potential to bring us into new uncharted worlds where we can experience anything.","TalkName":"The More Things Change: How Trends in VR Apply to Quest","TalkDescription":"VR is uncharted territory where a growing percentage of developers have found success. As the user base grows, so do the opportunities! What are the key factors that can help ensure success? Join us as we explore key insights learned alongside our closest partners over the past few years. Oculus Quest completes the first generation of Oculus hardware and represents a new market for VR content.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Business"}
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" data-box="3" data-f="Other">
Vladimír Hrinčár
Beat Games
{"Name":"Vladim\u00edr Hrin\u010d\u00e1r","Image":"\/speakers\/vladimirhrincar.png","Company":"Beat Games","Description":"CEO \/ Co-Founder at Beat Games having fun working on award winning VR rhythm game Beat Saber. Long time indie game developer, computer graphics programmer and hardcore fan of Japanese pop culture.","TalkName":"VR Panel","TalkDescription":"Other","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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" data-box="4" data-f="Other">
Michal Michel
Powerplay Studio
{"Name":"Michal Michel","Image":"\/speakers\/michalmichel.png","Company":"Powerplay Studio","Description":"Hailing from a background of Dungeon Mastering and Graphic Design, Michal has found his place to be as a game designer in PowerPlay Studio, Slovakia\u2019s major indie game studio, where he works as a game designer. His team has recently published Ski Legends and as of now he works on post-release features.","TalkName":"Turning Highschoolers into Game Devs - GamesLab","TalkDescription":"In cooperation with the Open Lab group, Powerplay studio helped create Games Lab, a special educational program where high school students learn to become game developers. Come have a look if you'd like to know how it works and what were the results of last year's students.","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","Filter":"Other"}
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{"Name":"","Image":"\/speakers\/unknown.png","Company":"","Description":"","TalkPlace":"Friday, Main Hall","TalkTime":"13.30 - 14.30","TalkName":"","TalkDescription":"","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","U":true}
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{"Name":"","Image":"\/speakers\/unknown.png","Company":"","Description":"","TalkPlace":"Friday, Main Hall","TalkTime":"13.30 - 14.30","TalkName":"","TalkDescription":"","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","U":true}
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{"Name":"","Image":"\/speakers\/unknown.png","Company":"","Description":"","TalkPlace":"Friday, Main Hall","TalkTime":"13.30 - 14.30","TalkName":"","TalkDescription":"","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","U":true}
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{"Name":"","Image":"\/speakers\/unknown.png","Company":"","Description":"","TalkPlace":"Friday, Main Hall","TalkTime":"13.30 - 14.30","TalkName":"","TalkDescription":"","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","U":true}
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{"Name":"","Image":"\/speakers\/unknown.png","Company":"","Description":"","TalkPlace":"Friday, Main Hall","TalkTime":"13.30 - 14.30","TalkName":"","TalkDescription":"","ShowDate":"01-11-2019 14:30:00","U":true}
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